Brydie Rowan – With a dedicated practice spanning 26 years and various disciplines, and 14 years of teaching and training internationally – all that she has learned, practiced and observed culminates in her development of the practice Body Medicine®
Body Medicine® is a physical practice that accesses, balances and optimizes the intelligent systems in body, brain and nervous system fostering a state of coherence – so that we may live long and well.
Brydie is known for leading joyful, creative classes with a light hearted community spirit that give students space to listen and respond to their bodies’ needs.
Everyone can benefit – irrespective of age and experience – all people are welcome.
A focus on intelligent sequencing, functional alignment and modification for the individual balanced with freer forms of movement and expression invites both beginners and seasoned practitioners to be present and explore their edges – building strength, clarity and openness in a safe, gradual, authentic way.
The invitation is to own the practice in a way that promotes a sense of belonging within oneself and the wider world.
In this way we remember ourselves.