Monica Martin is a certified Biodynamic Massage therapist accredited by the London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy. The certification represents a significant milestone in her path toward becoming a fully accredited Biodynamic Body psychotherapist under the UKCP (The UK Council for Psychotherapy).
Monica is a registered member of ABMT (Association of Biodynamic Massage Therapists) and EABP (European Association for Body Psychotherapy). These affiliations reflect her commitment to maintaining high standards of practice and continuing her education in the field of Biodynamic Massage Therapy and Body Psychotherapy.
Through comprehensive training and hands-on experience, Monica developed an extraordinary ability to communicate with the body through touch. This touch is not merely physical but a profound language that listens to the body’s whispers and responses. It’s a touch that honours the body’s wisdom, recognizing that beneath surface tension and discomfort lies a profound reservoir of healing potential.
With precision and deep presence, Monica’s touch supports the body to find a state of balance, relaxation, and ease. It’s a touch that fosters trust and safety in the therapeutic relationship, ultimately paving the way for profound healing and transformation.
Monica’s wealth of experience encompasses her role as an accredited international infant massage instructor, where she is skilfully holding space for baby massage classes. She has also served as a dedicated rehabilitation assistant, providing support to young individuals on their journey to recovery from acquired brain injuries.