Vicky has trained in a variety of massage styles, including Advanced Clinical and Sports massage (JING Institute), Thai yoga massage (Mudita School of Thai yoga massage), Holistic massage (ITEC) and Shiatsu (European School of Shiatsu). She can draw on this range of approaches to tailor treatments to particular individuals’ needs and preferences. Her passion is to help people out of pain and to improve their wellbeing.
She trained with Jing to become an Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist after experiencing the benefits of this method with her own back pain. The Jing Method is a fusion of advanced soft tissue technique and Myofascial release, Trigger point therapy, Acupressure and Amma. It is effective with most types of chronic musculoskeletal pain including back pain, sciatica, neck pain, whiplash, RSI, frozen shoulder, sports injury and systemic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. The aim is to help people out of pain and improve their range of motion within 1- 6 treatments.
Thai yoga massage uses a combination of compression, stretching and acupressure points along Sen lines. This work is done through clothing on a futon. The treatment can be as gentle or as strong as is appropriate for your needs and can be incredibly relaxing or even energising.